Saturday, July 30, 2005


Evening everyone, I know, I know a very unimaginative title, but Im not imaginative, you know I thought today would be great, as I had no work, all I had to do was doss...and yet it was naf...I was bored out of my skin! I did nothing apart from play on my computer and watch TV, now some people might find that fun but I didn't, infact the only thing that cheered up my dad was talking to a fantastic girl this evening for 1 and a half hours...but she's paying the phone bill so what the heck! lol...anyway yeah I was happy for the rest but it was just fact I would rather be at work...and I think next time I will be and on sunday will be my one and only rest day! that'll teach 'em! what it will teach em I have no idea but I like the phrase! My mother has just handed me a book about a christians view to's my view...Islam is wrong the bible is right...sorry if that offends anybody but as the bible says that it is wrong and the bible is always right then it is obvious that I am right :D I love it when Im right...its quite a rare occurance! Anyway back to the subject of today...I loved the lie in except for my brother apearing at 10:10am saying..."can I play on your computer?" Why is it that when ever I see him those words come out of his mouth? Its rediculous...hasn't he got anything better to do with his time...which is a good point actually as I was wondering...what did I do before I got my computer and also what did I do before I got my mobile phone? I mean I really can't remember what I did b4 I got my mobile and that was only a year ago. I was so bored I took to devising a route for me and Mr Harman to ride in 10 days he better be feeling fit...some very large hill are gonna be in it...including Holmes Moss now if there is any north west cyclists out there reading this they probably know what Im talking about...its the biggest climb in the Tour of has a summit of 524metres and immensly tough to go Harman better be feeling fit!!! Oh and it will also include the Snake pass another large climb...and also winnets this isn't a long climb...but its 25% and that's what can I say if you see two dying cycalist goin past your house on the 10th of august you know who we are!!! and on that bombshell Im going to go to bed...good night! *turns out light*

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