Friday, August 05, 2005

Well...Im back!

Hello! Yes that's right I have returned to monotanty and boredom! Well I had a cracking time learning loads of stuff from the word of God...I recieved the Holy Spirit Yay! (Tim or anyone if you want to debate me on this matter I am more than ready and willing) Well I got up to loads of stuff ranging from playing volleyball to filling minirolls with toothpaste and coffee granuals (long story I might explain in a later post Im too tired now) to offending people...mainly cos I said sumone was wrong (inadvertantly) but hey! Im quite narked off with virgin trains but apart from that all is good...why don't vigin trains give more space for lugauge! anyway...Im knackered so i'll talk to you all later!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hi aggain..

Hye, we need to email about the bike ride very soon!

Shorly, the holy sprit comes on you at convertion. All christians have the holy spirit in them. Infact the mark of the christian is that they have the holy spirit.

If you are talking about some exsperiance, I personaly, while beliveing that people do get healing, speeking in toungs, and prophesy (to a surtain exstent, as in, prophesy is not now adding to the word of God as in the bible, but God does sometimes grant people dreems and so on showing them what will happen) But this sort of supernatral exsperiance is not a super comon thing as many of the charismatics will tell you. But then in places like Africa, some of these things happen more, though aggain not all the time as some people will tell you, because I think there, there is a greater need for help, so there are more cases of supernatral healing in countrys where there are no hospitals. But you have to renember that all healing comes from God!

But yeah the hole 'spirital gifts' debate it very compleces. Also i thik you have to renember what Paul said, Love is the greatest gift! And it is how the spirit works in our harts which is the most important thing not what amasing sines we see about us.

Anyhow I am also willing to get back into debateing with you, and hopfully in a more serious way than when we were aguing about our bikes on NS.