Friday, September 02, 2005

The more you see the less you know

Well Hello from Manchester on this beautiful sunny day...well at least it looks sunny out of my window...I just thought I'd post since I haven't posted since sunday and that was only to laugh at all you Aussies! Anyway I haven't been upto much really...I sorted out a bike Im gonna ride to college on...erm I enrolled at college...Oh college...I don't want to go...well I do but I don' see I really don't won't to do two more years of education...yet to get anywhere you need a-levels so guess what...Im doing two more years of education! Its going to be a interesting expreiance as...being home schooled...Iv never been in mainstream secular eduction here goes! Anyway...before the 7th September I intend to do absolutly nothing! I just want to rest and sleep...Oh I might occassionally go out on my bicycle but that is yet to be decided...moving on...

I haven't really got out to say so Im gonna go...sorry for the lack of waffle all you waffle lovers!

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