Thursday, October 20, 2005

Harman I appalaud you...

for being so stupid and not realising it!!!! lol...nah that last bit on you post was pretty good I'll had me laughing...only I have a feel that that came out of a thesaurus!!! So next time use your own brain...oh sorry I forgot you haven't got one! You see he says he had to put up with me for about me putting up with him!? Because of him we did an average of 15mph when I was well up for 17mph...and I was not the one who colapsed by the road side groaning..."ah Iv got cramp! Oh my leg! Ow that hurts....oh I need a Mars Bar...ow my leg" I will remind everyone that when a beautiful young ladie passed us on the other side of the road it was me who was at the was me who waved at her...and it was blantently obvious that she waved back at me...not Harman...and yet this is what he posted on a comment on my blog Well we had that hot chick smiling at us didn't we! We're fit!!! Have you noticed how he tried to claim the victory for himself when he had nout to do with it!!! And he tries to tell you he's not a truth bender! Ladies and Gentlemen I am not a liar...but it is is very obvious to me that the accused (Mr Tim Harman) wishes to seek to bring himself all the glory...he thinks that he can do that by attacking my character and personallity...In my summary I would like to point out Sam Hardy is a, blockhead, a dimwit, a dumbbell, dunce, dunderhead.
He is also brainless, dazed, and deficient, ever so dense, very dim, dodo, doltish, dopy, dotterel, dull, dumb, dummy, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked, half-witted, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, loser, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple, simple-minded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thickheaded, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking, witless this is what Harman wrote about me on his blog...I think ladies and gentlemen, members of the jury...that what you are looking at (Mr Tim Harman) is an angry, bitter, truth-bending, frauding, evil, self-indulgentent, selfish, gluttonish glory seeker!!! He tries to use the issues of calculators to bring him out on top...however is you find out the functions of my calculator compared to his mine is evidently better...

I leave you with one question...WHO WON THE BEAUTY CONTEST...ME OR HARMAN? The answer is me...

Note: I had to go through this post of do a bit of bowlderization in other words censor it cos Harman's language is shocking...See harman a 14 letter word!!!!!!!

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