Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Unimagitive title I know but it is 11:04pm and I am quite tired as I had another naf day...with a slightly better ending then yesterday...

So I have to think positive...why do I have to think positive Becca? Negative is sometimes more fun! Anyway here I am at 11:05pm sitting at my computer listening to the best chilled out album U2 have ever done...The Joshua Tree...great album with some quality tracks on it...however according to Becca I should have turned off my computer by this point as Im intending to go to bed soon and I shouldn't watch TV or go on my computer an hour before I go to sorry Bex but I am flatly goin against your advice...mainly cos Im in a mood to write a blog posts and the best posts as we all know are done at random times of the day and have random themes...however you advice was good advice as last night I managed to sleep better then I had for the last week...everybody Becca gives good advice on how to sleep well at night!

Anyway just as I am strugle for things to say Im going to name the best U2 albums ever:

best chill out album:
The Joshua Tree

Best happy album:
Rattle and Hum

Best live album:
Under a blood red sky

Best hits album:
All you can't leave behind

Best album:
Atchung baby

You may have noticed that How to dismantle an atomic bomb was not on that list this is because although it has some good tracks it is not the best U2 album ever and I much prefer The Joshua Tree. If anyone disagrees with me Im right here to argue my point!

I believe in the Kingdom Come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
But yes I'm still running.
You broke the bonds
You loosened the chains
You carried the cross
And my shame
And my shame
You know I believed it
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
U2 - Still haven't found what Im looking for

p.s. how was that for a positive post Becca? random I know but...

1 comment:

Tim said...

I thought it was a very positive post.. Well done. I awaite Becca's verdict with great intrest!