Monday, November 27, 2006


Well I realise its been a while since I posted a post which wasnt to do with photos Id taken, so I thought I'd take the time to write a post which was actually text...not know its already 10pm 2nite has gone so fast 12hours I'll be heading out to college for another day and education and fun (well at least thats what college want us to have, in reality the education isnt really all that much each day and the fun is often non existant...unless u with a load of cool ppl and ur actually doing something worth while) And then tomorrow afternoon after college Im going to Manchester Climbing centre in Gorton and going for a good few hours rock climbing. I might even take my camera cos the place its self its awesome...its in an old church so obviously the building is really tall and its a really strange mix of old and new in a way. I mean its a pitty that God is no longer worshiped there, but I must admit it is a really good use for an old church building. But yeah, if you ever get a chance to go, go!

Iv got an electronics mock exam tomorrow which should be interesting...hopefully it wont be too bad. I havent revised much so I dunno how its gonna go. I must admit Im really struggling with getting down to work at the moment so if you could pray for me it would be really appricated.

I manged to get my general studies at college, which was quite impressive. The power that be were trying to make all the students do General Studies in their tutor groups. Probably so they could get more money and so they would appear higher in the leauge tables and stuff. However I didnt want to do General Studies so I managed to get myself out of it! It did however involve a HUGE arguement with the teacher who had the idea of doing general studies in tutor. However in the end she admitted that she'd over re-acting when I didnt shout back and I think me telling her I'd sue the college if they made me do it had something of an effect as well...I think the thought of an OFSTED inspection and at the same time a student sueing the college scared her probably wouldnt look too good in the report would it? Imagin the Newspaper headline: STUDENT SUES COLLEGE ON THE SAME WEEK OFSTED INSPECT I could see why they wouldnt want it! lol If anyone reading this goes to Cheadle and Marple Sixth College would like to get out General Studies let me know and depending who you are I might give/sell you the way to get out of it...Disclaimer: This method will only work if you do not bow under pressure and can stand up to teachers shouting at your face and hating you for the rest of your life

Anyway I had better go as Iv ogt to get ready for college tomorrow and I have to read my Bible and stuff...sorry if this was a boring post but at least its not pictures!


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