Friday, July 20, 2007

Electrical storm

I would love to say that the above picture was a firey sunset which preceded a massive thunderstorm...but that would be a lie. However it was a firey sunset I few days ago...not unsimilar to the sunset last night. The only difference was by the time the sun was going down last night a massive thunderstorm had already broke and then lasted for well over two hours. And of course I couldnt jus sit there and let it pass. So out came my camera and it took me a while to find the right settings, but when I go it right...well see for yourself! The last photo is my favourite for obvious reasons, the first two are of either sheet lightening or forked lightening just of the photo (my view was limited as I was taking the photos out of my window, I was not going to risk getting fried by standing on the garage roof!) The second to last photo is one of the previous photo but I used ye oldie desaturate button (as tim called it) and I cant decide which is better the desaturated or colour version...any thoughts? Anyway hope u like them let me know what you think...

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