Thursday, September 13, 2007

A whole post and I couldn't think of a title

It has come to my attention that I haven't really posted much recently so Im going to try and rectify that issue. As I sit infront of my computer the soft sound of a cow munching grass difts in through the open window and at the same time Bono from U2 tells me that there's a place where the streets have no name. I actually have no idea what Im going to write, infact I havent even thought of a title yet so I think I might just try and do a Tim Harman and write about everything and yet nothing at all.

Finding a job is a funny thing...obviously people are needed to work and supply us with food, or teach our youngsters, or keep shelves stacked in the stores, or book us a hire car, deliever us a newspaper in the morning (I actually live too far away from any shop to get a newspaper delievered - but thats a different story for a whole different post), we need people to design our houses, or make machines do what they're meant to, or give pizzas to you in a resturant (never could spell that word) name after pizza, and of course some people work in jobs which aren't actually needed (like student liason officer - it was an actual post in my old college - again another rant for another post) However when it comes to finding a job...unless you want to do something really boring like "food wrapper and labeler" (it was actually in the job advertisements in the "Shropshire Star" today) - incidently no offense to all you food wrappers out there...u do a great job and I hav huge respect for what u do - anyway unless you want to do a boring job it is really hard to find one which you want to do! Take me for example Im trying to find a job on a farm (some of you may look on that as a boring job...but you probably are too busy eating the food on your table to thing where it comes from) however at the moment its harvest and all the farmers are very busy driving combine harvesters and foraging and stuff...which means they are too busy to take on anybody who needs training for example me! So in the mean time I am forced to apply to be lifeguard yeah jobs are harder to find than you might think...btw all the jobs I listed up there (apart from Student liason officer) are job done by different friends of mine...big up to all of know who you are...and to you who work in can you?!? do you not care bout the farmers and small shop keepers (thats not talking about shop keepers who are small but shop keepers who keep a small shop) anyway that discussion has already gone on on tims blog so I'll leave it there.

My little brother, I say little but you should see how much he eats, has just placed a soft toy which is in the shape of a frog (it is shaped rather well) on my head...Im not sure why he chose my head as a resting place for the said frog but it has now been deported and has just landed on my to stop any rumors which are about to spring up or which have already lept out of the ground *cough* BECCA! *cough* this frog merely stays at the foot of my bed and forms no part in my life other than my brother is obsessed with it and likes to call it "friggity frog" and will quite often charge past me in order to get to said frog.

Right that's about all for now cept here's a few photos Iv taken recently:


Tim said...

Very Tim-ishblog posting thee, I'm very poud of you! I need to find a job too, I have recently been given by my bank a peice of plastic which will apaerently let me go into an nice big over draft if I ever use it... So I need to get a job so it's actualy worth having th little shiny card thingy... because it's a nice little shiny card thingy and I want to kep it now, it's mine! I may end up working at a Supermarket helping the evil empire suck the life out of the poor farmers and so you... So for that I am sorry!

I must say the first picture is very nice and the third...

Who are the people playing swingball?

Sam said...

Timothy if u get a job in a supermarket I will make sure u never hear the last of it! :p

They are David and hannah Retallic if uv ever heard of them...home-schoolers