Saturday, August 20, 2005

Saturday has come!!!

Cept it started with my brother waking me up at 09:50 which is why Im up at this unearthly hour! Well actually saturday started for me way before 09:50 as I was playing cards and a game called barricades with my dad and a family friend...I won at solo!!! Oh yeah I destroyed em all...anyway as I was saying I was up till about 00:45 cos I was reading my physics you are all wondering why I was reading my physics book not the bible or summat similar...the answer is simple really...I have to remember physics before september as I took my Physics GCSE 2 years ago and haven't done any as Im going to do Physics A-level I think I should learn it really don't you...Anyway so yeah the sun is shining and Im feeling bible readings this morning highlighted that faith is the key...I always knew that but its good to have you memory jogged by God...cos if God does it then there must be a good reason for it!

Anyway let me tell you about something I did yesterday, I went out on my bike...did 17.81 at 18mph...that's not the fastest Iv ever done it but it wasn't bad....but that wasn't the high point...I was needing to get past an illeagally parked car(if you're reading this and you're car is parked illeagally shame on you! go and move it!) and you know what car let me out? None other then an Aston Martin DB9 oh yes all twelve cylinders of it then...the driver was a very kind know why? Cos as he later went past me he let his engine male voice choir can't compare to the bass in that or anything else for that matter...nothing can...mabye a Zonda or a Enzo could get close but nout else that was one amazing car...then the thing whichI found funniest was the fact the Aston parked in front front of a Porsche Show room!!! (where incedently there are also some very nice cars) But do you think the driver was taking the mick or buying a new car or what? You're views please...also the night before I had seen I Lambo so its been a pretty good week for cars considering I saw a ferriari on Monday...anyway Iv waffled on for ages when this was meant to be a short post so...


P.S. Im dying for a good debate someone debate me on summat cant be too serious though


Tim said...

I still recon your bike is rubish, ok it has a fansy name but it's a pile of scrap!

Sam said...

I read that as Crap!!! But it is not scrap!!! your's is 7 years old!!! that's like as old as noah!!! Who's chain fell off? Not mine I can assure you that!!!! HAHA!!! Mine is definately better than yours!!!

Tim said...

Read it how you like, that's just as acurate, though I would not use that langage normaly.

The age of my bike just shows how good and strong it is, it has lasted 7 years. The chain coming off was me just showing off how I could get the chain back on with out haveing to get off the bike. (don't ask me why I have learnt to do that)